
“The time and dedication that you have put into the topic of natural immune therapy is mind blowing. Tens of thousands of people now know what they would never have known without your help and dedication.”

K.K. (Know How To Nourish)


“I was mightily blessed with your findings in research broken down to plain, understandable language (Alternavita); enabling me to deal with my own body. Thanks!” from, N.S.
“I want to go on record to say that you have helped me in my healing journey by clarifying healing protocols for me, and by continuing to inform me about the latest and most pertinent information on chronic disease. Your clear dedication to serving others through your impassioned continuing research benefits many and is deeply appreciated.” From B.G.
5.0 out of 5 starsSerious About Improving Your Health? GET THIS BOOK!!! PaperbackVerified Purchase “I was going to wait until I finished this book before posting a review. However, the information it contains is so valuable that I am posting it now with the goal of encouraging others to get their copy now! Ferrari’s book outlines a step-by-step process to regain and maintain one’s health. There are many, many ‘nuggets’ of precious information! I intended to read all the way through the book right away but I soon realized that I needed time to ‘digest’ and assimilate what I was reading. It is simple yet profound! She gives many scientific references. So a person can personally verify the information. We are daily facing countless assaults on our health. One’s body can definitely improve and heal itself but it needs the right nutrients, understanding and care to do so. Ferrari’s book gives a person what is necessary to accomplish this worthwhile task! It is a beautiful, ‘coffee table’ type book. It has beautiful pictures throughout. It has an easy on the eyes font size and is printed on high quality, durable paper. I love this book!!!”
“You are amazing. Your research is insightful and you know how to dig and connect . You sharing your own journey has been encouraging to me …not to be afraid of new information but also not to follow blindly if it doesn’t make sense. If there is anything I can do or someone you need as a reference I would gladly let them contact me . If you need my number I will PM as character reference . Anyone who is willing to stand in their truth is winning the battle as far as Im concerned but you are on another level on information. You have been through so much ..and yet you take the time to share with others while helping yourself and family . Spiritual Warrior !” From A.F.
“You have been a friend and mentor. Through some very bad and hard health issues. You have been very generous with sharing your research. You research to no end. Across the board you research and dig so deep find these links. To help us. Your kindness to help people is endless. You deal with only facts. Your passion is so touching. You have such a rare kind soul. And honestly that is so rare. You are Dear to my heart. And I thank you!” From Annette V.
“I have never met anyone who works harder than you to understand the underlying cause of chronic illness. You are a relentless researcher, fearless in speaking the truth and always willing to spend a few minutes of your valuable time answering my questions. Thank you so much for all the help you have given me.” From D.L.D.
“A masterful condensed treasure of information. Truly back to basics, and how to get there for any budget!!! Excellent research and a wealth of common sense detail how to get back to health or stay there using inexpensive, safe , natural and functional foods, limited supplements and avoiding pharmaceuticals. Finally! Love this book”!
“I will tell you what’s been happening for me. I opted to stay on Reishi instead of the Champex because it’s what I have on hand in abundance. I modified SIBO recipe so I wouldn’t gag – the bicarb and mom mixed with a little water in a shot glass, followed by filling the shot glass with more water to get it all and then a glass of water. I was unplugged within a week this way. I don’t have the zinc powder so I will add that later. Started the peppermint last week, Heather’s brand that has also ginger and fennel. I am having bowel movements two to three times a day now. No more IBS cycle! OMG (Alternavita), I do not ever remember a time in my life when I had regular bm’s! Soft, brown, not mucousy, no more “pellets” and no more feeling like I’m dying (literally it was that bad) every time I have a bowel movement! Nausea is also FINALLY gone after 4 years of the worst morning nausea and stomach pains. I can THINK and I mean really think. Everyone is telling me I look and sound better than ever. Your protocol WORKS. Bottom line. I cannot thank you enough for your work, a true humanitarian. All MS symptoms are gone, zero pain level, just a tad bit of fatigue, but I expect that will get better also. You are a Godsend and don’t you ever feel otherwise and never give up!!!” From M.B.
“You were always very honest and recommended only the things you tested yourself or you had documented info about :); your info is always reliable and with a good research in the background; I liked a lot your way of presenting the things… neutral…and the advice to listen to our own bodies :); I love you (Alternavita) for that” from A.H.
I know you are off the grid, but I wanted to give you an update. I’ve been very sick for five years. I’ve been doing exactly what you told me to do for about six or eight weeks now. I’m beginning to have improvements that are noticeable. I am so excited I almost don’t want to comment on it for fear it will be fleeting. Today, I grocery shopped, went to Walmart, cared for my kids, and am still up and about. I’m tired and exhausted but I DID these things. It’s a flipping miracle. I’ve been in bed for so long. I just wanted to thank you. I’m hoping this progress continues. Thanks again!!!!!! From H.C.
Thanks for your concern about my fractured pelvis. With the help of the yogurt and farm fresh raw milk I have been drinking my pelvis has completely healed! I am completely back to normal. From K.K.
“Alternavita provides real answers for some of the most complex health challenges facing so many people today. Health challenges that unfortunately, are becoming an all too common sign of the modern times we are living in. Alternavita extensively explores cutting edge research uncovering the origins of human immunity and ultimately, true health. Evidence-based, scientific studies are thoroughly researched, broken down and presented in an easy to understand, cohesive way. The healing that I have experienced since starting the easy to follow protocol of colostrum, probiotics and yogurt recommended on Alternavita has been completely life-changing. Within a span of five months, I went from being in a state of autoimmunity, wasting away, reacting to most of the foods I was eating, leaky gut, and diagnosed with Lyme disease to being restored to a state of radiant health. I finally realized that it was not the killing of microbes that was going to restore my immune system, but the replenishment of microbes that was going to restore my immunity. It is a no-brainer once you remember that 80% of immunity resides within the gut. Alternavita takes you back to the origins of immunity, back to the beginnings of the human race. Colostrum and probiotics provide the antidote to chronic illnesses afflicting so many people today. Diseases brought about by the chemicals, antibiotics and Franken-foods of our modern times. This is going to be the salvation of the human race itself.” from K. K.
5.0 out of 5 starsGreat resource. Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase “An easy-to-understand step-by-step book to build your immune function. Love how the writer tells exactly what is needed and how to go about it. I’m so glad to see this book in print. Finally, a great resource at your fingertips to help all disease. Five stars from me”.
“You have helped me to understand why I am chronically sick. You have always been available and more than willing to help me in any way, even calming my fears at times. Would also like to add that I shared your research with my MD and he thought it was amazing and told me to follow what you said. I so appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge and research. Thank you.” from M.G.
A masterful condensed treasure of information. Truly back to basics, and how to get there for any budget!!! Excellent research and a wealth of common sense detail how to get back to health or stay there using inexpensive, safe , natural and functional foods, limited supplements and avoiding pharmaceuticals. Finally! Love this book! From, J.R.
“I can honestly say, there is NO ONE whose opinion and research I trust more than yours, and my own. lol You have such articulation, not only in the physical mechanics of the anatomy, but of the many symptoms, and physiology of the hunt!! You know what many of us endure with lack of doctor participation, more so, doctors portraying the antagonist! Your spiritual ethics and dedicated research lend to you trustworthiness, and you don’t EVER pretend to know all and have a CURE for all……….You gently lead us to facts and effects enabling us to utilize our own minds to heal our own bodies…and you seem to do so in a literate way of hardcore common sense and humor:) We love you (Alternavita)!” from J.R.

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Immune For Life

representation only, not hardcover

Reintroduce yourself to nature’s prescription for health and natural oral immune therapeutics that modulate the gut and systemic biology by using products that are the bio active backbone of immunity. Release the power of activating factors that have transformed the health outcomes of thousands. These and other natural oral immune therapeutics that are beginning to flood the marketplace are promising to shape the future of medicine as safe bio actives for future health products and minimally refined functional foods, including infant formula.

Learn how you can quickly begin to transform your gut and immune health today without complicated diets or expensive plans, no matter your age!

“Everyone thinks it is about diet or medicine while forgetting the diet that shaped your entire immune system for life (breastfeeding). Learn the factors that re-train the body for lifelong health by reintroducing yourself to the firstdiet with truly unique, bio-active living components that restore homeostasis as nature planned.”


“A therapeutic diet and infection treatment may be unable to restore bifidobacteria and HMAGM (Healthy Mature Anaerobic Gut Microbiota)”.

WHO 2017 Millennium Development Goal

“…foods that increase calories and nutrient density reduces deaths from malnutrition, but it does not fix persistent microbiota immaturity.”

The Father of The Microbiome

Dr. Jeffrey Gordon

Breastfeeding a ‘Major Public Health Issue….


Ensuring A Merit Based Healthcare System

What you can do

Scientific Apostasy

Most people are not aware the scientific method has long ago been eclipsed in use in favor of science by opinion and dictated by profit in the last century in school, university, Govt. institutions and the media creating a systemic imbalance of information and resulting in over 99% of current research papers being invalid (Harvard Study).

It will take a huge amount of effort to return to previous validation methods which have been used throughout history to ensure scientific data is based on objective measures and through which the greatest, fastest and safest benefits were obtained.

Disregard popular opinion science, publications or groups for your own health safety and best health outcomes.


Merit Based Action Plan


Separate from all violations of the natural law, in this case the scientific method and medical certainty as it applies to the human outcome. Don’t give credence to publications, institutions or persons that violate these principles of science, medicine and bioethics. Guard your means of peaceful separation.


Strengthen the law regarding effectiveness and safety and ensure systems are in place to quickly eliminate unfavorable outcomes, violations and violators.


Punish by strengthening and supporting the alternative avenues and/or not rewarding failure or negligent damage regarding scientific and health outcomes in humans. Do your part to ensure a merit based system.

This includes the majority of popular ‘health’ or benefit charities which are in practice slush funds with little to no regulatory oversight.